Fairview Christian Academy students develop a Biblical World View as principles from God's Word are integrated into the academics, extracurricular activities and social interaction. Integrating the Bible into each subject area is only the beginning of the academy's "Spiritual Emphasis" for the students.
The foundation for "Spiritual Emphasis" is laid during structured Bible classes. Bible class is more than just learning events from the Bible. It is a time where the students learn to discern right from wrong by "…rightly dividing the word of truth…" (2 Timothy 2:15). Individual growth is developed as students start each day with morning devotions. During this time, students are encouraged to take what they have learned in God's Word and apply it to the choices they make each day. Devotions alternate between personal time and teacher or student-led challenges.
Weekly chapel services help students to recharge their spiritual batteries. Here they can sing, share praises and prayer requests, and open God's Word for a time of encouragement. Guest speakers such as area pastors, youth pastors, and missionaries demonstrate to our students how to live a life committed to full-time service for Christ. Fairview faculty and staff, as well as FCA students, also speak during chapel times.
Special events also play a role in developing a Biblical World View. Each year students in grades 7 – 12 attend the Wilds Christian camp to get away from worldly distractions and to focus on what God has for them. It is also a time to bond with their peers and enjoy "funtastic" games and activities. FCA students also take part in Fairview Baptist Church revivals and conferences. All this is done so that the Academy can assist parents in making disciples of Christ.
What students said about “Spiritual Emphasis Week” at the Wilds.
"Every year I get something new from what is taught. This year the speaker talked about how to dig into the Word in your devotion time. That is something all of us need to work on. Not just to read our Bible, but to dig just a little deeper and actually apply it to your life."
"This year at the Wilds, God spoke to my heart about reading and spending more time in the Bible."
"There was plenty to do, but there was always time to open God's Word every day."
"During devotions, I tried to open my heart to what God had to say. I am thankful that God worked in my heart."
"The Wilds has been one of the most memorable experiences of my school life. Having the privilege of going has really opened my eyes to seeing what God can do in my life."